Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose. The word 'Sarvanga' means entire body. This asana is highly beneficial in maintaining the mental and physical health.
Before starting please follow Important Guidelines to get maximum benefits of Sarvangasana or Shoulder Stand Pose.
How to do Shoulder Stand Pose or Sarvangasana
1. Lie flat on your back.
2. With the feet together, keep the palms facing the ground on both sides, keeping the palms facing the ground. Breathing in slowly raise the legs to 30 degrees, then to 60 degrees and finally to 90 degrees, while lifting the legs, you can take help with hands.
3. If it is not straight at 90 degrees, then by putting the feet at 120 degrees and raising the hands, apply it behind the waist. The elbows rest on the ground and keep the legs together straight.
4. Claws upward and eyes closed or toes to be seen. Starting from 2 minutes, this posture can be done gradually for half an hour.
5. While coming back, bend your back slightly keeping the legs straight. Remove both hands from the waist and straighten them on the ground. Now pressing the ground with the palms, the order from which they arose Slowly straighten the back and then the feet on the ground.
6. As long as Sarvangasana is done, rest in Shavasana for almost that time. The competitive or complementary asana of this asana is Matsyasana. Therefore, doing Matsyasana before rest in Shavasana gives more benefits from this asana.
Time: 2 Minutes to Half an Hour
Benefits of Shoulder Stand Pose Or Sarvangasana
1. Makes thyroid active and healthy Therefore, obesity, weakness, decrease in height and fatigue disorders are overcome.
2. The adrenal makes the gonads and ovaries strong.
3. This posture benefits from diseases such as depression, indigestion, minor development of pelvic thyroid, short-term appendicitis, and common knots, miscarriage, premature aging, asthma, phlegm, skin diseases, blood clots, menstrual irregularities, menstruation pain etc.
4. All other benefits are similar to the Shirshasana. But this posture has the specialty that for whom Shirshasana is prohibited, they can also do it.
5. This asana has also been found useful for 2-3 stages of asthma as the shoulders are fixed in this asana.
6. Tone of the diaphragm is improved by the weight of abdominal organs, bowel etc. falling on the medial muscle and participating in breathing.
7. With this asana, the thyroid and the pituitary gland are mainly active, they are particularly useful in increasing stature.
8. The face is brightened by removing the scalp and other scars on the face.
9. Very effective for increase of blood flow towards brain.
Precautions of Shoulder Stand Pose Or Sarvangasana
1. For all head-low postures, great care should be taken to avoid any possible strain or jerks.
2. Thyroid development, those with a weak heart and those with excess fat should be consulted only by the advice of an experienced person.
3. It should be avoided by those who have heart problems, middle ear problem, capillary, weak age, spondylosis, and Slip disc.
4. Practice once for not more than half an hour.
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