Siddhasana, also known as the Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose. The name of the pose comes from two different meanings: Siddha, which means perfect or accomplished and Asana, which means pose.
Before starting please follow Important Guidelines to get maximum benefits of Siddhasana or Perfect Pose.
How to do Siddhasana or Perfect Pose
1. Sit on the seat and relax.
2. Now place the left ankle between the anus and the genitalia.
3. Place the right foot on the genital tract so that there is no pressure on the penis and testicles. You can change the order of the feet.
4. The soles of both feet should remain in the middle part of the thigh.
5. Place both hands on each other so that the palms stay on top. Or place both hands on both knees with the Dnyan Mudra (If the thumb is placed on the index finger with the remaining three fingers straight, it becomes dnyan Mudra).
6. Keep your eyes open or closed.
7. Allow breathing to relax naturally.
Time: 5 Minutes to 3 Hours
Benefits of Siddhasana Or Perfecr Pose
1. The practice of Siddhasana purifies all the nerves in the body. Pranatatva naturally fluctuates. This makes it easier to concentrate the mind.
2. The digestive tract was regular. Respiratory diseases, heart disease, chronic fever, indigestion, diarrhea etc. Depression, diarrhea, vomiting, tuberculosis, asthma, diabetes, spleen growth etc. many diseases are resolved.
3. The diseases that are eliminated by the study of Padmasana are also removed by the practice of Siddhasana.
4. This seat is especially beneficial for students. The mind remains stable, which enhances memory.
5. This posture must be performed by a visionary patient.
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